Cord Care

What to expect 

When baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. The part of the cord that is attached to the baby us known as the umbilical stump. The stump usually has a cord clamp attached.

In the first couple of days after birth, the cord shrivels and becomes black. It will fall off to form your babies belly button. This usually occurs after the first week.

While the cord is separating there may be some ooze around the belly button area. This is usually brownish or sticky and may appear on baby’s nappy. It can also smell. Don’t be alarmed as this is part of the natural healing process. 

If you do notice the cord is red around the stump area, is warm and red and begins to smell see the GP for assessment or alert your midwife. 

Babyz Tips- How to clean the Cord

Bathing your baby is the best opportunity to clean and observe your baby’s umbilical cord. 

  1. Clean your hands prior to handling the stump. Observe the cord for any signs of infection (Red/Warm/Smelly).

  2. Use a cotton tip and water to clean around the outside of the cord (no Soap!).

  3. Use a clean cotton tip to dry around the cord. Leave the stump exposed to air by folding the nappy down underneath. 

Baby holding its mother’s finger.
Baby careLucy Sutherland