Tongue Tie

Tongue tie or Ankyloglossia is diagnosed as the thin piece of skin under the baby’s tongue (lingual frenulum) is abnormally short and may restrict movement of the tongue.

Signs associated with a significant Tongue tie;

  • Baby’s tongue cannot extend past baby’s lip

  • Tongue cannot move sideways

  • Tongue tip may be heart-shaped

  • When the tongue is extended, tongue tip may look flat or square rather than pointed

Breastfeeding problems sometimes associated with tongue tie;

  • Nipple pain & damage

  • Ridge or stripe across the nipple after breastfeeding

  • Clicking sound during feeding

  • Poor weight gains or unsettled behaviour baby is letting go of the breast while feeding

 Ask your Midwife or Lactation specialist to assess your feed and baby’s tongue for signs of tongue-tie

 Sometimes a tongue tie causes no issues and requires no action!

 A procedure called a lingual frenectomy can release the tongue tie if the issue is causing breastfeeding problems.

This can be performed in an outpatient clinic if under 4 months, or with a Paediatrician or dentist who specialises in this procedure.


Lucy Sutherland